© 2025 DJRW LTD trading as The Lead Source | Company No: 14056863
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To reduce clashing between our clients we limit the number of photographers we have in locations across the UK.
To join our waiting list please complete the form below.
The core of our business is lead generation, mostly from running Facebook Ads. Facebook uses an auction-type system for its advertising, meaning that the more studios there are advertising to the same audience, the more bidding is driven upwards.
It therefore doesn’t make sense for us to bring on clients within the same areas as we will only push bids higher and make things more expensive for our clients. There are some exceptions to this, for example, we could have two clients in one area where one only provides dog photography and the other boudoir.
By joining our waiting list and answering the questions, we’ll be able to identify whether you’re a good fit for our services and let you know when a place becomes available.
Please be aware that we may reach out to multiple studios in your area when a place becomes available and a prompt response will increase your chances of filling the space.
© 2025 DJRW LTD trading as The Lead Source | Company No: 14056863